Monday, January 5, 2009

My first award!!!

I am really so touched that Simple Yet Classic

gave me this! She is my first follower and that in itself is exciting that someone I don't know wants to read my thoughts! This is what it reads: You Are Truly Beautiful. Beautiful means so much more than just a pretty face! It also means that you are unique, and oh so full of grace! The things in you that go on much deeper than the softness of your skin. Are the things that make you beautiful, both outside and within!
And here are the Rules: Find the beautiful ladies that you follow. Give them this award. Hopefully it'll truly mean something to each and everyone of you. Don't be shy to give it to the same person! Don't forget to tell them!
So here are the following ladies I give this award to:

1.) The Mrs. over at Simple Yet Classic

I love her blog and she has a special place in my heart for being the first to follow my blog!

2.) And they Lived Happily Ever After...
I have known Brooke since high school, but I love reading her blog to keep up on her life. She's a new mom and documenting her journey with her son. (Plus he is super cute!!)

3.) Angie over at Bring the Rain
Her blog is about her journey with her daughter. She is amazing for what she has gone through and what she gives to others!

1 comment:

Grasso10 said...

Awww thanks so much!! :o)